In the sleepy town of Grimsby, where excitement typically comes in the form of a new fish and chip joint opening up, authorities are in a tizzy over a burglary on Caspian Crescent. Move over, Sherlock, we’ve got ourselves a real head-scratcher here.
It seems this nefarious deed went down on a frosty Tuesday, January 16, though the details have been slower to surface than a submarine with a faulty periscope. But fret not, dear citizens, for the long arm of the law has produced not one, but two riveting pictures of the suspect. Picture this: a bloke decked out in his winter finery, casually pedaling away on a bike like he’s training for the Tour de Yorkshire’s Criminal Division.
The Humberside Police, in a bid to crack the case wide open, have issued a plea for assistance. “Officers are just dying to have a chinwag with him,” they say in their official statement, “to shed some light on the whole Caspian Crescent kerfuffle.”
Now, I don’t know about you, but if this guy’s the key to solving the case, we might as well hand out magnifying glasses with the morning paper.
But fear not, citizens! If you’ve got the lowdown on this modern-day Cat Burglar or just fancy yourself a bit of a snitch, you can ring up the authorities on their non-emergency hotline, 101. And for those feeling particularly cloak-and-dagger, you can drop a line to Crimestoppers and still keep your identity under wraps.
So, keep your peepers peeled, Grimsby. Who knows? Maybe you’ll spot our very own masked marauder plotting his next escapade, or just popping down to the local for a pint.